Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Coherency and sight shielding

Hey hey,

Today I am going to look at the basics of coherency and target screening.

Okay first things first, the rules nicely state that you can only shoot and kill models that your unit can see.. Makes some kind of sense as opposed to in previous editions where their mates would walk into fire...

So this has to be have a practical use for the shooter; of course it does!

The basics:

Right so green is firing at the blue, and in this case they are specifically interested in trying to kill the model of interest be it a crucial meltagun etc.

The Green use their rhino which is an expendable 35pt moving wall of light of sight blocking goodness!! Now as you can see when the green unit shoots the closest model is now the model of interest not one of the upper marines which would otherwise be closer. This should only be used if you don't have overwhelming firepower but should get a few kills and allows you to narrow down your target. (who needs snipers)

Right more advanced versions!

How to abuse the consolidation rule: the consolidation rule means that if there unit is out of coherency in their next movement phase they must move to rectify it... which is great if they are a unit of longfangs etc.

See below:

Now this trick involves using your trusty rhino to shield two models meaning it's not random. Then shooting the chaps in the middle if you can drop 2 then you should be able to create a lack of coherency, 1 will do it if the unit is spaced out.

Then in the opponents turn the blue unit must move into coherency meaning they snap fire with their heavy weapons.

Now we look at a slightly more advanced option of abusing coherency.

Right in this diagram two squads are ganging up on one. However the combined might should cripple but not wipe the squad out. So you need to find a way to tie the unit up until your next turn so you can deal with it.

So you lap around one model with your A. Squad, this unit DOES NOT fire in the shooting phase.

Your second squad preferably armed with decent shooting weapons fire at the squad as seen. However the model on the end in shielded from sight by your other squad. Whilst it is very likely that your spindly guardsman will not block line of sight, what they do do, is confer a cover save due to concealment. Therefore you opt to focus fire at everyone else. Meaning the model of interest is safe to shooting.

So at the end of the shooting.

Right so you have cut a major hole in his unit leaving one model isolated. Then you assault the single model ganking him with your unit vs. 1 rank and file. Whilst the rest of the unit are unable to join the fight as they only move 6 in. Then in their turn the full unit moves into combat wipes your squad and consolidates leaving him open for shooting in your turn.

Tip: in some cases you may want to move your assaulting squad AWAY from the man he's going to assault with the spare men as you'll only be able to get 4-5 men into combat with the man on the end (so typically these will be the ones shielding him) and the last thing you want is the rest of the squad being forced to charge the marines sulking on the other half of the gap because you rolled an 11 for charge range!

I only used guard as a good example but as ever any of these tactics can be recreated with a lot more units that the examples given.

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